Body Kiosk i5


Health and body composition intelligence scanning system.
Integrated design and built-in Ultrasound sensor accuracy ±1mm for standing position, with a 21.5-inch LCD touch screen and 32-inch LCD advertising screen. Multiple log-in methods including face recognition, email and mobile phone, and IC Card QR code. Establish patient health, record, identify, match and data reporting. Upload health files, Statistical analysis of big data of illnesses, effectively manage chronic diseases, provide health risk assessment and continuous dynamic monitoring, and provide a reference for doctors and health guidance services.

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Testing functions:
Body composition
Weight testing range 0,5 – 500kg,
Height testing range: 70 -200cm
BMI (Body mass index), Waist to hip ratio.
PDF (percentage of body fat)
Body fat accuracy <-5%.
Weight accuracy <-0,1kg.

Health analyzer:
Blood pressure accuracy +- 3mmHG ( +- 0,4kpa).
Systolic, Diastolic and Pulse.
Blood Oxygen accuracy +-2%.
Including saturation, value and pulse rate.
Body temperature Celsius.

System info:
System Size Height 235cm.
Depth 65cm.
Width 66cm.
Weight 180kg.
32-Inch touch screen.
21.5 touch screen.
Test Frequency 100KHZ.

Weight 180 kg
Dimensions 65 × 66 × 235 cm

Air: 25-30 days, Sea: 60-90 days