Beauco Fibroblast


Working principle of ionized gas in the air. At 1-2 mm from the skin, oxygen and nitrogen are mixed, and the electrostatic energy produces the plasmatic effusion, which discharges on the skin with thermals. The skin pores open, the superfluous plasma or water evaporates, and with proper fibroblast technique, we reach the contraction of the skin. Excess skin dies down superficially and falls in the form of flaking, within the framework of the aftercare. The precision tip of the handpiece is easy to manoeuvre and targets the most hidden areas, achieving the best results.

Work 2-3 hours without charging. Faster recovery time 2 speed levels to choose from. CE certificate

Stretch marks, Scarring, Acne scars, Skin tightening, Skin lifting, Aging lines & wrinkles, Skintags, Moles, Warts, Xanthelasma, Seborrheic keratosis.

Included in the package:
The Beauco plasma pen includes 1 device, 3 needles

Care must be taken to ensure good stability and firm support in the treatment area.
We recommend 5% Emla.
Numbing cream Consumable.
Use a proper aftercare guide.